VSK MINERAL - vsk mineral logo nove
List of quarries
Vechec quarry
+421 914 344 076
Slanec quarry
+421 910 344 088
Dargov quarry
+421 910 930 290
Záhradné quarry
+421 911 930 260
Hubošovce quarry
+421 911 930 260
Horná Štubňa quarry
+421 911 344 038
Breziny quarry
+421 911 344 038
Gretla quarry
+421 903 624 333
Honce quarry
+421 911 344 045
Markušovce quarry
+421 903 624 333
Sedlice quarry
+421 914 344 070
Brekov quarry
+421 914 344 078
Husiná quarry
+421 55 68 109 17
Mokrá Lúka quarry
+421 911 344 045
Veľká Tŕňa quarry
+421 55 68 109 17
List of quarries
Vechec quarry
+421 914 344 076
Slanec quarry
+421 910 344 088
Dargov quarry
+421 910 930 290
Záhradné quarry
+421 911 930 260
Hubošovce quarry
+421 911 930 260
Horná Štubňa quarry
+421 911 344 038
Breziny quarry
+421 911 344 038
Gretla quarry
+421 903 624 333
Honce quarry
+421 911 344 045
Markušovce quarry
+421 903 624 333
Sedlice quarry
+421 914 344 070
Brekov quarry
+421 914 344 078
Husiná quarry
+421 55 68 109 17
Mokrá Lúka quarry
+421 911 344 045
Veľká Tŕňa quarry
+421 55 68 109 17

Quality natural
crushed aggregate

We deal with mining of deposits of non-reserved minerals, their processing and sale for the needs of construction companies and private customers.

16 years in business

well-established company

15 quarries

rich options

11 districts

wide network

ISO 9001
certificate holder
vskmineral.sk - kvalitné prírodné drvené kamenivo


Where to find us ...

Together with our business partners, we want to build a modern present and a sustainable future.

We consider quality management and quality assurance to be one of the company's primary objectives.

The basic objective of the quality concept in the face of ever-increasing customer requirements is to create such working conditions that all employees of the company are involved in the process of building and improving the quality system in an effort to achieve:

Wide network of quarries

Vechec quarry

Slanec quarry

Dargov quarry

Záhradné quarry

Hubošovce quarry

Horná Štubňa quarry

Breziny quarry

Gretla quarry – Spišská Nová Ves IV.

Honce quarry

Markušovce quarry

Sedlice I. quarry – Suchá dolina

Brekov quarry

Husiná I. quarry – Kamenistá valley

Mokrá Lúka quarry

Veľká Tŕňa quarry


send us an email

+421 55 68 109 17

Mon. - Fri. from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM

vskmineral.sk - kvalitné prírodné drvené kamenivo
vskmineral.sk - kvalitné prírodné drvené kamenivo
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