List of quarries
Vechec quarry
+421 914 344 076
Slanec quarry
+421 910 344 088
Dargov quarry
+421 910 930 290
Záhradné quarry
+421 911 930 260
Hubošovce quarry
+421 911 930 260
Horná Štubňa quarry
+421 911 344 038
Breziny quarry
+421 911 344 038
Gretla quarry
+421 903 624 333
Honce quarry
+421 911 344 045
Markušovce quarry
+421 903 624 333
Sedlice quarry
+421 914 344 070
Brekov quarry
+421 914 344 078
Husiná quarry
+421 55 68 109 17
Mokrá Lúka quarry
+421 911 344 045
Veľká Tŕňa quarry
+421 55 68 109 17
List of quarries
Vechec quarry
+421 914 344 076
Slanec quarry
+421 910 344 088
Dargov quarry
+421 910 930 290
Záhradné quarry
+421 911 930 260
Hubošovce quarry
+421 911 930 260
Horná Štubňa quarry
+421 911 344 038
Breziny quarry
+421 911 344 038
Gretla quarry
+421 903 624 333
Honce quarry
+421 911 344 045
Markušovce quarry
+421 903 624 333
Sedlice quarry
+421 914 344 070
Brekov quarry
+421 914 344 078
Husiná quarry
+421 55 68 109 17
Mokrá Lúka quarry
+421 911 344 045
Veľká Tŕňa quarry
+421 55 68 109 17

Markušovce quarry

Quarry location


Extracted mineral

Location: the exclusive deposit of the reserved mineral limestone called Markušovce is located approximately 1 km southeast of the village of Markušovce in the locality with the local name Stožky.

Products offered: in preparation


VSK MINERAL s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the organisation’), as the holder of the right to mine the exclusive limestone deposit located in the Markušovce mining area, hereby informs those interested in entering the old mine workings of the R-St-2 adit (hereinafter referred to as ‘the adit’), which was mined in the year 2007, of the presence of a new adit in the area of the Markušovce mine. 1976 in the framework of geological exploration into the hill with the local name Stožky (elevation 664 m above sea level), that on the basis of a binding order of the District Mining Office in Spišská Nová Ves, it was forced to immediately secure the mouth of the tunnel against the entry of unauthorised persons by installing a barrier.

Due to the public interest in entering the adit, the organisation carried out verification of the health safety or positive impact of the underground adit on the human body by 3 independent certified measurements carried out by organisations:

  • KORAL, s.r.o.
  • Laboratory of Low Level Measurements, Brno University of Technology

The results of the above independent certified measurements have not confirmed any positive or negative impact of the adit on the human body. The organisation does not allow access to the RST-2 shaft due to the susceptibility of the old mine workings to flooding and in order to comply with the mandatory order.

At the same time, the organisation points out that mining and blasting are permitted in the Markušovce mining area.

The public is warned that whoever trespasses into a mining work or into an area in which mining activity is carried out, or trespasses into a closed old mining work where entry is prohibited, may be fined up to EUR 1 660,- pursuant to Act No 51/1988 Coll. on mining activity, explosives and the State Mining Administration.


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